It's essential for anyone undertaking property work to thoroughly investigate all their potential outlays in advance of getting down to it. This is never more true than when undertaking a self-build.
Ofcourse, you have your temporary accommodation sorted out (just give the team a call on 01638 515700 for costs). For the remainder you will need to have built a detailed summary of your components, contractor costs, management costs and materials, all the way down to the floor finish.
Knowing exactly what you need may even help secure better prices if you are able to source from select suppliers. There is an awful lot of information available online to help plan and project. One source we've heard is particularly usef is the free Estimating Service offered by Build It which will help with all the vitals.
Take a look at the Build It Estimating Service - apps such as these can help you stream line your procurement process, protect you from the unanticipated, help secure funding and give you financial confidence .
As always, any questions about our RV's just drop us a line or call.